
Three steps to get cleared for sports each season...

1. Have a physical within last 13 months
(on file with school nurse)

2. Registration through FamilyID
(click link below)

High School
Middle School (Payment is NOT required until AFTER tryouts - your coach will inform when to pay)

3. Pay Athletics User Fee
User fees are required each season.  Payments are made through UniPay - there is a nominal fee for direct withdrawal through your checking account and a $5-$10 fee for using a credit card.

Unipaygold Payment Link

**FAMILY CAP $1200 - There is a athletic user fee cap of $1200 per family.  If you reach this amount, please email the athletic department.  *User Fees paid for Hockey, Crew and Sailing do NOT count toward the cap of $1200.

**ATHLETIC FEE WAIVER - Families who may qualify for an athletic fee waiver must complete the form below.

Financial Aid Application

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