David Schmirer, Department Head
Department Phone: 508-358-3726
The Social Studies program at Wayland High School aims
to prepare students for their future roles as citizens in a democratic
society whose actions will have a major influence in world affairs over
the decades ahead. Students will be introduced to the historical and
cultural influences which have shaped the world of the present, both in
the United States and elsewhere. They will be helped to develop and
apply the intellectual and analytical tools of many of the social
sciences to help deepen and broaden their understanding of past trends,
current events, and potential future developments.
In all courses the department emphasizes critical thinking skills,
especially comparing and contrasting differing opinions and perspectives
about important social and political questions. Students must complete
three years of Social Studies to meet the graduation requirements of
Wayland High School. This must include a year of United States History.
Students are encouraged to continue their study of social studies beyond
this three-year requirement, and the great majority does so. There are a variety of compelling electives students can choose to take, including Psychology, Criminal Justice Studies, Innovation and Design, AP European History and AP Government.
Course Sequence and Electives
9th Grade: Modern World History (College-Prep Only)
10th Grade: Old World, New World (College-Prep, Honors)
11th Grade: US History (College-Prep, Honors, Advanced Placement)
12th Grade: Electives
- Social Science (Psychology, Media Studies, Race &
Racism, Criminal Justice Studies)
- AP European History
- Connect
Multi-Grade Year Electives:
- AP Government (11th and 12th Grade)
- Participating in Government (9-12th Grade)
- Current Events (9-12th grade)
Business Offerings:
- Investing In The Creative Economy (10-12th Grade)
- Business Law (10-12th Grade)
- Entrepreneurship & Business Management (11-12th Grade)
- Innovation & Design (9-12th Grade)