Peer Leader Program


The purpose of the Peer Mentor program is to provide support for our school community, especially 9th graders and transfer students in their transition to the high school.  The peer mentors are sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have shown an interest in and capacity for helping others. The program has been up and running at Wayland High School for over twenty years.


For many years, our Peer Leaders filled one essential role on campus: supporting our incoming 9th graders and new students, both before the school year started and throughout the 9th Grade Seminar class.  More recently, we added additional roles to the Peer Leader Program, such as being a Student Ambassador for new students or a Peer Tutor in the Academic Support Center.

Supporting the 8th to 9th grade transition and mentoring in 9th Grade Seminar remain two of the most popular roles our Peer Leaders fill, but we are excited to expand our program into other areas as well.

When students apply to the Peer Leader Program, they choose which Peer Leader roles interest them the most and fit their schedules the best.  The roles, their descriptions, and their time commitments are detailed below.

How do I become a Peer Leader?

Students apply to become peer leaders in early spring.  They are signing up to be a Peer Leader for the next school year.  The application asks questions about students’ experience at the high school, interests at school and outside of school, and reasons for wanting to be a peer leader.  All students will receive an email with application information in early spring.

What are the Peer Leader Roles?

8th-9th Grade Transition

This program is for students interested in helping the rising 9th graders start their transition to high school. There are three specific days/programs when we will need mentors' help: 1) Step Over Day (mid-June): Mentors will give the incoming 9th graders campus tours, answer questions, and help them get acclimated to the high school, 2) Connections Day (late August): Mentors will continue to give 9th graders tours, answer questions, and help them get acclimated to the campus before the school year begins, and 3) March Middle School Visit: Mentors will accompany counselors on our annual trip to the WMS in mid-March. We will begin talking about the transition to high school with 8th graders, reviewing the course selection process, extracurriculars, etc. Mentors will be there to provide the student perspective on what’s being discussed.

Grades: 11th and 12th     

Time Commitment: 6-8 hours, 1 day in June, 1 day in August, and 1 day in March

Questions? See Mr. Buffa or Ms. Sullivan

9th Grade Seminar

The purpose of the 9th Grade Seminar mentors is to provide support for 9th graders and transfer students in their transition to high school. The peer mentors are juniors and seniors who have shown an interest in and capacity for helping others.

9th Grade Seminar mentors will be assigned to 9th Grade Seminars for the first quarter. Mentors will help co-lead these seminars and offer the student perspective of what is being discussed. These seminars meet once during the eight-day cycle and have 15 - 25 students. Sessions are led by counselors, administrators, Academic Support Center staff, and Library Media Center staff. The curriculum addresses the major issues of transition and adjustment to the high school. In addition, the seminars focus on academic requirements, expectations, and the realities of the high school program. Time management, stress management, and study strategies are also addressed. Discussions also focus on resources in the high school and how to access them - from academic assistance from teachers, the Academic Center, to accessing social-emotional support.

Grades: 11th and 12th

Time Commitment: 1 block per cycle for first quarter

Questions? See Mr. Buffa and Ms. Sullivan

New Student Ambassador

This program is for students who are interested in helping new transfer students who are entering into WHS. We’d love our former transfer students to be a part of this, and anyone that understands and can be empathetic to leaving in the midst of their high school career, to move to a new school/town/state/country. Ambassadors will help with a variety of things related to the transition - from understanding the schedule, navigating to and from classes, meeting key people at school, understanding the culture of WHS, how the Commons and lunch work, describing supports available, etc. Ambassadors will be asked to communicate with new students even prior to them enrolling and starting at WHS via text and email.

Grades: 10th, 11th, and 12th

Time Commitment:

*Communicating with new students over the summer

*Possible individual tours for new students during the spring and summer.

*Continuing a connection for the first few weeks/months of the year

*Ongoing support of students who may need further support

Questions? See Ms. Sacramone, Ms. Sullivan or Ms. Downes

Welcome Wagon

The purpose of the Welcome Wagon is to connect with 9th grade and new students on campus during the month of September: be visible, be a smiling face, answer questions, help students navigate lunch and the Commons, give directions to students who seem lost, etc.

Grades: 10th, 11th, and 12th

Time Commitment: Throughout the school day during September

Questions? See Ms. Lima

Summer Bridge Mentor

The Summer Bridge Workshop is a one-week summer program for incoming 9th graders. The program will support the high school transition for incoming 9th graders while boosting their academic skills, supporting their social-emotional well-being, and helping them build connections with teachers and peers. Mentors will participate in activities and projects alongside the incoming 9th graders. Mentors will be true leaders of the program – leading tours, running Q&A sessions, and leading games and activities. The exact dates and times are yet to be determined, but the workshop will be one week in late August. If you think you will be available but are not 100% sure, sign up for this role and keep us updated on your plans.

Grades: 10th, 11th, and 12th

Time Commitment: 40 hours, 1 week in late August

Questions? See Ms. Lima

Community Event Volunteers

These volunteers are students who would like to participate in various community events at WHS, such as parent nights, student panels, Back to School Night, giving tours, etc. Opportunities will be posted.  You do not need to commit to attend every event.

Grades: 10th, 11th, and 12th

Time Commitment: Varies. Events may be during the school day or after school hours.

Questions? See Ms. Sacramone

Student Coach

These volunteers will be paired one-on-one with another student who needs a little coaching or guidance to have a positive experience at Wayland High School. There is not a set day or time for this role. You might spend one or two free periods together each week or sit together at lunch.

The days and times will vary for this role. This role could start any time throughout the school year. We will work with your schedule and the schedule of your mentee.

Grades: 10th, 11th and 12th

Time Commitment: About 1 hour per week after you are paired

Questions? See Ms. Sacramone, Ms. Sullivan or Ms. Downes

Academic Support Center Peer Tutor

Interested students will volunteer for one or more blocks per cycle to be present in the Academic Center to tutor. These students may also participate in additional projects in the Academic Center to improve their tutoring skills and/or to help WHS students. Students will need approval from content area teachers in the subjects that they wish to tutor.

Grades: 10th, 11th, and 12th

Time Commitment: 1 or more block per cycle

Questions? See Ms. Lima


Please feel free to access any of the Peer Leadership Team below. 

Ms. Sullivan and Mr. Buffa Ms. Lima

School Counselors and Academic Center Coordinator

Peer Leader Advisors

Ms. Downes Ms. Sacramone

Clinical Counselor School Counselor/Counseling Coordinator

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