1:1 Learning

Welcome to our 1:1 learning web pages.

Wayland High School is a 1:1 environment, which means that each student is expected to have a computing device every day. 

At WHS, we provide every student with a MacBook Air for their learning.  Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is not an option as we find classroom instruction and technical support to be much more efficient in a standardized environment. Additional information about the program can be found at the links to the right.

Insurance and Repair

We expect each family to pay an annual maintenance fee (for SY '24-'25, $60), which insures the laptop against accidental damage over the course of the school year (broken screen, water damage, broken charger, etc...) and includes coverage for one full replacement device due to accident.  Lost chargers or laptops are not covered by the maintenance fee.

Waiver of the maintenance fee is available and means that families will be charged retail costs for all repair at the below rates:

 Full computer replacement  $900
 Motherboard  $400
 LCD Display  $350
 Top case  $300
 Battery  $100
 Trackpad  $300
 Charger ($39) and cable ($29)  $68

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